Tukuchiy - The best way to export photos for the web with Photoshop (copia)

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I believe the best way to export images for the web is using Photoshop, compared to Lightroom we have more control over the unsharp mask (something really necessary since we are resizing the pictures). With this action you will be able to automate the export process and make sure your photos will have the proper size and sharpening for different social media networks.

How do I use the action?

1 - Unzip the file you downloaded from this page. You will find a file with atn extension.

2 - Open Photoshop.

3 - Go to Window > Actions.

4 - In the Actions window click on the icon with four lines, then click on Load Actions...

5 - Search for the file you unzipped on step one and open it. You will see the actions inside a folder.

6 - That's it, the action is now installed.

Open a picture, choose one of the actions and click on the play button at the end of the actions window.

Follow the steps on screen to save the picture.

Free of charge software

The script is completely free, but I added the option to make a donation if you want to do that. If you enter a value of 0 you will be able to download the action for free.

Version history


  • First public version.

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